Christmas Daddies - History

Christmas Daddies History

On a cold and slushy November afternoon in 1964, good friends Jim Hill Sr. and Jack Dalton sat in the Derby Tavern on Gottingen Street in Halifax. Enjoying the local crowd and the warmth of their favorite watering hole, the men had just tucked into a mouth-watering steak dinner, complete with a beer, when in stumbled a small boy. He was no more than eight years old. Poorly dressed for the weather, he shivered from the cold, his toes sticking out of his worn shoes. The child quickly began to circle the room asking patrons to spare him some change but almost immediately the bouncers removed him. Not moments later, however, the persistent panhandler returned. Once again, he was escorted from the establishment. On his third attempt he faired no better being firmly admonished by the doorman as he was led to the exit, not to return. When the child appeared a fourth time, Jack insisted that he and Jim find out what was behind the child’s tenacity.

After beckoning the boy to their table, they questioned him before the bouncers could act. His young mother and baby sister were desperately in need of bread and milk. The boy was determined to get enough money to bring these necessities home so his family would not starve. Upon discovering the child’s predicament, a hat was passed and the patrons raised $15 for the lad, an astonishing amount in 1964. While the boy left happy that evening, Jack and Jim couldn’t help but wonder what the child’s family would do for Christmas which was fast approaching. They sat at the Derby all afternoon discussing the boy and others like him struggling with poverty – they knew there had to be a solution. Jack worked at the most popular local radio station and Jim at the television equivalent, surely together they could do something to help.

After discussions with the president of CJCH television and radio, Jim and Jack were sent away to iron out the details. They came back with plans for a telethon. The president graciously donated use of the station and airtime. The men approached the staff of CJCH for their time and abilities. Local talent came on board to provide amazing content and so, inspired by a similar radio telethon in Boston, Halifax’s Christmas Daddies was born. That first year, the telethon went on at midnight, many bands arriving to perform after finishing a long night of providing entertainment for the downtown bars. After only two hours on air, concerned citizens were coming in off the street, offering anything they could to aid this worthy cause.

The telethon raised $1,500 that first year and received extensive media coverage. The next year support grew to an incredible $5,000. Jim and Jack were overwhelmed with the positive support the telethon received from the community.

Since the telethon’s inception, Christmas Daddies has grown steadily and now supports families from all three Maritime Provinces. Donations to the telethon are returned to the areas from which they are raised providing local children with a joy filled holiday.

Click here to track the history of how much money has been raised for children struggling with poverty in the Maritimes.

Christmas Daddies’ mandate is to provide less fortunate children in the Canadian Maritime Provinces with gifts at Christmas time including toys and food.

Christmas Daddies’ distribution partner is The Salvation Army. Their commitment to those in need makes them the most appropriate organization to disperse the Christmas Daddies funds.

The staff of CTV (formerly known as both ATV and CJCH Television) are proud to continue the Maritime tradition of the Christmas Daddies Telethon. Held each year in early December, the telethon traditionally raises over $500,000 annually to help bring smiles on Christmas morning. Dedicated support and involvement from the community continues to inspire and we are proud to say we often exceed 100% of our pledges being honoured! CTV continues to donate the technical equipment and airtime for the event. Over 300 volunteer staff, family members and friends donate their time and services to make the telethon possible. Talented artists with generous hearts continue to grace the Christmas Daddies stage with amazing performances, giving freely of their time, year after year.

In true Maritime spirit, the telethon continues to embody the warmth and generosity of our community.